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MoU with Kavli IPMU

MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) will be exchanged between "RIKEN iTHES Research Group" and "Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU), The Univ. of Tokyo". The purpose of this MoU is to make an extensive effort to promote "Interdisciplinary Theoretical Science" by the joint colloquiums, seminars and workshops and by the exchange of researchers between the two organizations.
The signing ceremony between RIKEN iTHES and Kavli IPMU is planned to be held on Dec.4 (Wed), 2013. Prof. Hitoshi Muyayama (Director of Kavli IPMU, http://db.ipmu.jp/member/personal/17en.html) and Prof. S. Sugimoto (http://db.ipmu.jp/member/personal/114en.html) will come to RIKEN to sign the MoU together with Maki Kawai (RIKEN Executive Director) and Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN iTHES Director).
Further details on "Kavli IPMU" can be seen in

Upcoming Events

  • Workshop
    Nov. 18-22, 2013
    "RIKEN Symposium on Quantum Information Processing "
    room 424-426 (Mon.), room 535-537 (Wed., Fri.-pm)
    room 315 (Thur., Fri.-am)
    For detailed program, click here.

  • iTHES Theoretical Science Colloquium
    15:00 ~, December 4th, 2013
    2F Large meeting room, RIBF Building
    "Quantum Universe"
    Prof. Hitoshi Murayama (KIPMU, Univ. of Tokyo)

  • iTHES Workshop
    Dec. 7-8, 2013
    "Interdisciplinary mini-workshop on non-equilibrium physics"
    Kyoto university (Room 525, Bldg. No. 5, Faculty of Science) http://ribf.riken.jp/~hidaka/workshop/iwnp.html
  • Event Report

    iTHES-HPCI joint international workshop on "Nuclear equation of state with strangeness" was held on Nov.14, 2013 in RIKEN. About 30 people from Japan, USA, Italy, UK, Korea, Germany, Nederland were get together to discuss the recent progress on neutron stars and dense matter. The photo is Dr. Fiorella Burgio (Catania) and the audience discussing the maximum mass of neutron stars.

    Tetsuo Hatsuda's public lecture was reported in Kavli IPMU News (No.23, 2013)

    Person of the Week

    Tsukasa Tada
    iTHES Theoretical Science Colloquium
    At iTHES group, with Dr. Hatsuda, Dr. Iitaka and Dr. Kurosawa, I am looking after the event entitled theoretical science colloquium, which consists of interdisciplinary pedagogical theoretical lectures by the acclaimed researchers inside and outside of RIKEN. We are hoping we could schedule the colloquium every other month.
    The challenge we are facing is to find suitable lecturers. They have to excel at research in the first place but also has to be good communicators who can deliver a clear exposition which should be comprehensible by non-expert. Those are difficult trait to come by. We are doing our best to find such a lecturer but we would most appreciate your inputs. Please let us know if you have any suitable candidate in your mind.
    Personally, I enjoy organizing such kind of events including more subject-oriented workshops. So I have been organizing many seminars, workshops, international conference and so on. It is like a hosting a party. As a party host for this kind of occasion, my motto is C&C, which stands for Caffeine (or Coffee) and Carbon hydride (or Cookies). I proudly keep my prejudice that the key to successful meetings is to provide enough coffee and sweets so that the audience are kept alert with the ample dose of stimulant (caffeine) and sugar (from carbon hydride). So you will find a lot of coffee and cookies at our theoretical science colloquium. Why don't you come over and try those. I would appreciate your opinion on that aspect too.
    By the way, when I am not organizing the colloquia, I study "la theorie des cordes," string theory.


    Prof. Fabio Marchesoni
    (Universita' di Camerino & INFN-Virgo project, Sezione di Perugia)
    Stochastic processes, Nonequilibrium statistical physics, Gravitational waves
    Oct.28 (Mon.) - Nov.24(Sun.) 2013
    room 310, 3rd floor, Main Research Building (ex. 3355)