Upcoming Events
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10:00-, June 17
S406, Bioscience Building
Prof. Robert Sinclair (OIST)
Do binding motifs of "lost" mechanisms leave a lasting trace?
iTHES Colloquium
14:00-, June 18
Nishina Hall
Prof. Robert Sinclair (OIST)
Geometry before Euclid: How life explored and conquered the dimensionality of 3-space
with three short talks by
S. Wanajo (iTHES-phys), Y. Kamiya (iTHES-cond) and W. Nishima (iTHES-bio).
iTHES Seminar
Sergei Blinnikov, ITEP/IPMU
What is the Zeldovich number, and what was his life-time favorite problem
Date: 20th June, 14:30-15:30
Place: Room 435-437, Main Research Build.
iTHES Seminar
Shigeo Kimura, Osaka Univ.
Effects of High Energy Particles on Accrtion Flows
Date: 20th June, 15:30-16:30
Place: Room 435-437, Main Research Build.
iTHES Workshop
iTHES-Kavli IPMU-RESCEU Joint Meeting
7-8 July, 2014
Nishina Hall, Wako Campus
This joint meeting is one of our activities based on the research
partnership MOU
between iTHES and Kavli IPMU .
iTHES Workshop
Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts 2014
Aug.25(Mon)-27(Wed), 2014
Ookouchi Hall
RIKEN Symposium - iTHES workshop on
Thermal Field Theory and its applications
Date: Sep.3(Wed)-5(Fri.), 2014
Place: Ookochi hall
iTHES-IPMU-Osaka Joint Symposium
Nov. 15 (Sat.) 2014 (*** Note that the date has been changed from previously announced Nov.12 ***)
at Kavli IPMU, Univ. Tokyo (http://www.ipmu.jp/ )
Travel Note
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Okayama prefecture is located about 600km west of Tokyo, beyond Kyoto and Osaka. It is adjacent to Hiroshima prefecture, which sits further west.
In 1890, Yoshio Nishina, one of the pioneers of modern physics in Japan, was born in Okayama. Nishina became a chief scientist of RIKEN in 1931
after he studied quantum physics under Niels Bohr in Copenhagen. He formed an active group studying this new and developing field. One of those belonged to the group was Shin-itiro Tomanaga, who founded Quantum Electrodynamics along with Julian Schwinger and Richard Feynman.
With Nishina’s legacy in mind, Okayama prefectural government established an institute dedicated to quantum physics, Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics.
It is very rare for a prefectural government to directly fund and manage such research institute for purely fundamental science. Prof. Masao Ninomiya, former president of the Physical Society of Japan (JPS), is the founding director of the institute.
Tsukasa Tada of fundamental physics team visited Okayama on June 13th and gave a seminar on his recent work at Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics. Although the size of the group is rather small (the current count of the researchers is seven), Tada enjoyed explaining his work and discussions with keen audience.
Person of the Week
Takashi Okada
Hi, I am Takashi Okada, a new postdoc researcher of Theoretical Biology Laboratory from this spring.
I have been researching mainly in superstring theory (or quantum gravity), and high energy physics.
Especially, I have been interested in "generalized geometries" such as matrix geometry, which naturally appears in the context of superstring theory. Superstring theory strongly suggests that the concept of geometries should be modified and generalized in a theory of quantum gravity, and the matrix geometry is one of the candidates.
My main recent interest is on theoretical approaches to life science.
Although theoretical physics apparently seems to have nothing to do with biology,
the techniques and philosophies in physics are sometimes very useful and powerful in biology, and I think that it is very interesting to apply them to life science. I hope that I could interact with many researchers in different fields and learn a lot through ITHES project.
I received my B.S. and M.S from the University of Tokyo and, then received my Ph.D in Physics from Kyoto University in 2013. After that, I worked in the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California for one year.
Prof. Robert Sinclair
( Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University)
Mathematical Biology, Computational Mathematics, Computational Physics
June 16 - June 20
room 433 (4th floor, main building)