iTHES FY2014 started !
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Welcome to the first issue of the iTHES Newsletter in FY2014.
Since iTHES researchers are the real core of our iTHES Research
Group (http://www.riken.jp/en/research/labs/rg/inter_theor_sci/ ),
I list their names in FY2014 below. Also I would like to announce
that three iTHES researchers in FY2013 have moved to various
places as assistant prof. or research scientist:
Pulak Kumar Ghosh (-> Assistant Prof., Presidency Univ., India),
Konstantin Bliokh (-> Research Scientist, RIKEN),
Norihiro Iizuka (-> Assistant Prof., Osaka Univ.).
Congratulations, Pulak, Konstantin and Norihiro, and please keep
in touch with us as iTHES graduates!
--- iTHES Researchers in FY2014 (as of April 7, 2014) ----
ithes-phys team,
Takuya Kanazawa, Nodoka Yamanaka,
Shinya Wanajo and (from May 1, 2014), Masato Taki (from May 1, '14)
ithes-cond team
Johny Robert Johansson, Xin-You Lu, Yoshitomo Kamiya
ithes-bio team
Koichiro Uriu, Kazuki Maeda, Wataru Nishima
Tetsuo Hatsuda
(The photo is taken in Wako Campus, RIKEN. Guess where?)
Upcoming Events
iTHES Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Gordon Baym (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Date: 14:30-, April 8, 2014
Place: 2F Large Meeting Room, RIBF Building, RIKEN
iTHES-IPMU-Osaka Joint Symposium,
Nov. 12 (Wed.) 2014
at Kavli IPMU, Univ. Tokyo (http://www.ipmu.jp/ )
Keynote speakers:
Tetsuo Hatsuda (iTHES/Nishina): iTHES overview
Hiroshi Ooguri (Kavli IPMU/Caltech): Particle Physics
Eiichiro Komatsu (Kavli IPMU/MPA): Cosmology
Nori Franco (iTHES/CEMS): Condensed Matter
Koichi Fujimoto (Osaka): Theoretical Biology
Contact: Hiro Nagataki
Person of the Week
Nodoka Yamanaka
Hello, this is Nodoka Yamanaka, I am working as a researcher of the iTHES project from april 2014.
I am mainly interested in the nuclear and particle physics, especially in the quantum chromodynamics and in the study of new physics beyond the standard model.
During the PhD course, I studied the phenomenology of the supersymmetry, one of the candidate of new physics beyond the standard model, using the electric dipole moment of various systems, a sensitive observable of the CP violation of new physics.
Last year, I have studied the structure of the nucleon using nonperturbative methods.
Recently, I am interested in the analysis of the electric dipole moment of few-nucleon systems.
I am also interested in the study of the nucleon structure using lattice QCD simulation.
I would be pleased if I could extend the applicability of my work to a wide area of science.
Prof. Bernold Fiedler
(Institute of Mathematics, Free University of Berlin)
Dynamical Systems, Partial Differential Equations, Pattern Formation, Topological Methods, Chemical Reactors, Bifurcations without parameters
March 8 - April 10, 2014
Room S404 (4the floor, Bioscience building)
Prof. Gordon Baym (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
cold atom physics, condensed matter physics,
dense matter and neutron stars
March 18 - April 10, 2014
room 433 (4th floor, main research building)